Sunday, December 7, 2008

Almost over!

Well, this semester is nearly done, thanks goodness! It has been a rough one for me, probably the roughest since I started taking classes at UIS. I've never been less than excited about a class before and I've never wished so hard to be done with a class before. But after this one, I think I need a nice long break! I did not enjoy this class at all, except for some of the readings. The next class will be an effort to earn credit for prior learning, and that one I am definitely looking forward to! I will get to concentrate on me, a subject I truly do enjoy! So that should be good, and then the summer semester will hit and I can regroup. I just need to take a good look at my transcript and see where I'm really at, and where I need to be, and how to get there from here. In the summer, I'll sort it all out and decide if I can keep going on this path or if I need to find another one. I hope I can stay on this one, I don't want to be a quitter, and I've already come halfway. Well, we'll see. In the meantime, Christmas is coming, the presents are all wrapped and ready to go, the tree is up and looking pretty and the new year is just around the corner! All's well with the world! Well, not really, but it seemed to fit in there. I must go, Sunday evening is so depressing, Monday morning is only a few hours away. Bleah.


Andy Egizi, Program Coordinator said...

It's a really good idea to take a look at your transcripts from time to time to see how you're going. When you do, you'll see that all is well so far. I hope that CPL goes well since it could really jump you closer to the end goals.

Anonymous said...

As another semester closes, we're reminded of how much closer we are to our goals and you're right on schedule. Don't, even for a moment, doubt yourself or your educational path because when you do, you tend not to acknowledge all the hard work you've put in so far.

I share in your frustration with regards to your class this semester. I have one class like that and I wish I'd never, ever enrolled in it. It wasn't nearly as interesting as I thought it would be and I feel like I've accomplished nothing but rote memorization, but nothing much of substance since my memory isn't quite what it used to be. The key is not to allow it to depress you. I'm making my best attempt at not allowing it to get the best of me. Let's just rejoice in the fact that it'll all be over after this week and we can recooperate, celebrate, and appreciate our holiday break while looking forward to the challenges of next semester.

Peace & Blessings to you on your continual journey!

Smiles, Pam