I just want to share something from my current class that I think is very cool. One of the assignments for this week is to select three objects that most define me, here is the question and my answer...
Why do these objects represent you or your interests? Give some thought to the following question: "If I had to describe who I am to someone I am meeting for the first time, what three objects would I show them to demonstrate to them who I am?"
My library card - I am an avid reader, I read every day, usually 3 or more books a week. Anyone who knows me would describe me as always having my nose stuck in a book.
A picture of my kids - I have been a mother for my entire adult life (since I was 21) and I don't have any idea who I'd be if I wasn't a mother. Having children gave my life direction and meaning and I try each day to inspire them to be able to find their own direction themselves.
My favorite dragon figurine - I believe in adventures and in using the imagination to believe in impossible things. I love the idea that there is more to each of us than the eye can see, and that the world is an amazing and wonderful place to live in. To me, the dragon represents the idea that no one is ever too old to dream or to take a spontaneous road trip or to change the path they're on.
I'd love to hear what those of you out there in blog land would say to this question - any takers?
Coming this fall? (Most likely.)
15 years ago
Great idea for an assignment and I think your answers are right on. I wanna try, I wanna try!!!
Hmmm, let's see.................
1) Ok, I'm a copycat because I would show my library card, too as I'm an avid reader as well. I love the whole library experience because not only can I check out books, but I can also borrow music cd's, magazines, dvd's, and recorded books on cassette (does anyone still use these???) or cd.
2) My mp3 player because I l-o-v-e music. Music is my life, I live it, I breathe it, I sleep it. My Zen goes everywhere I go, even to the store. I almost feel naked without it. This would show my multifaceted personality as one would find a diverse array of music from Neo-Soul to Gospel to Soft Rock to Raggae. It also shows just how open-minded I am as a person.
3) My laptop because I think we're joined at the hip. Another object that makes me feel naked if I don't have it with me is my laptop. There's so many of my interests that can be done on a laptop that it pretty much sums me up. I can (again) listen to music, watch movies, surf the 'net (do we still say this???), play online games and my favorite game (The Sims 2), and I can send email to keep in touch with others who don't have much of a social life like myself, lol. Oh, and I can't forget my laptop let's me do school. :) Ya gotta love the Internet!
Anne, the objects that you chose to describe you are all awesome ways of getting to know you better. Enjoy being a mom, which is one of the greatest gifts in the world. Take lots and lots of pictures, keep your figure near and dear to bring you positive energy, and keep reading those library books as this is the way we gain knowledge that no one can take away. Thanks for the blog response idea.
I’m ashamed to say my laptop. I don’t want that to be true but I use my laptop all of the time and having constant Internet connectivity has changed the way I interact with the world. I may be a couch potato but I’m not a passive couch potato since I am constantly digging to find information about whatever is before me.
I would say my head since the most interesting aspects of my life exist there. I’m not suggesting that I’m deep but chances are that my brain is thinking of something that is more entertaining than what is actually happening to me.
I would say my calendar. You won’t find a lot of appointments there or reminders of what needs to be done or anything else. Maybe I’m just disorganized but I think it has to do with not wanting to be overly adherent to a plan. If you plan every detail of your day, then you’re likely to only experience what you’ve preordained. My calendar is mostly open to whatever happens.
I knew you'd say your laptop! I remember you saying you were never without it! How's your classes this semester?
You're funny Andy! Your head! I would have thought that was a given, unless you happen to leave it somewhere by mistake. I've had days like that. And my brain is also usually thinking of more interesting things than I'm actually doing!
Hey Anne,
My classes are going pretty good right about now, but it's kind of hard to keep up in all three of them. It's like, after reading certain chapters or the entire book for a particular class, formulating answers, posting them, then responding and discussing the material, I'm behind in another class because I've devoted so much to one while neglecting the other two. It's a lot more work this semester, but I'm sure at some point I'll get used to it. Your class seems to be going quite well and that's good because I remember last semester you had a bit of a tough time with it. Keep us posted on your progress! :-)
Ray said...Ok, I'm a copycat because I would show my library card, too as I'm an avid reader as well. I love the whole library experience
Don't go to libraries as much as I used to...not with access to UIS Brookens and all the databases you can log into...have you checked it out? It's absolutely amazing the info and subject matter that you can access and download free as a student. Subscribing to all these databases, or just downloading some articles from them, could get very expensive very fast.
Dan, I've used UIS's databases several times for research purposes on class assignments and it's awesome. However, it still doesn't necessarily provide that same 'library' experience as a good old fashioned trip to the brick and mortar facility. It's great, though for researching or just satisfying one's curiosity to dig deeper to discover more knowledge.
Thanks for sharing the link as I'm sure it'll come in handy for most of us in our classes. :-)
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