Andy mentioned that when it comes time for a referral to grad school, a professor will remember a students ambition and willingness to work more than s/he will remember the grades actually earned. I cannot deny this is true. But your grade point average is also a marker of your ability to handle the assignments and your understanding of the subject matter, so to say an F doesn't matter as long as you are learning the material is not entirely accurate to my way of thinking. Anyway, I am going to do my very best to keep my grades as high as possible and come away with a solid understanding of the material, that's my goal.
On a more depressing note, I just realized that if I continue taking 1 class at a time, it will take me another 5 years to get my BA. There are only 2 semesters per year at UIS not counting summer, which I can't always do. 5 years. Five. Funf. Cinco. Cinq. FIVE MORE YEARS!! I've already been doing this since 2006 at UIS, and then at my community college before that. Years and years and I still have 5 more to go. I just don't know if I can keep this up for that long. I feel like I need to find a program that has shorter semesters, accelerated classes or something. Working full time and raising kids while going to school, well, I never expected it to be easy, but for goodness sakes, I'm starting to wonder if it's even worth the stress. My kids and husband get irritated with me because I'm always doing homework. My Friday and Saturday nights are spent glued to the computer working, this after being glued to a computer working at work 5 days a week. There has got to be a faster way. I'm not saying I want to quit, because I don't, but my enthusiasm is most definitely on the wane. Ironically, if I could go full time I'd be done in 3 semesters. Just one year. Uno. Un. Eins. I think I need some help here.
Coming this fall? (Most likely.)
15 years ago
Whew, calm down hun! Take slow, deep breaths and relax. While I do understand your frustration totally and completely, you may need to alter your perception just enough to make it through these last few years at UIS. Nothing that is worth it comes easy, so perhaps find fun creative ways to utilize the time since it's going to take you five years to complete your goal. Now, I'm not by any means preaching because it took me like nine years to finish a two year degree from junior college. However, looking back I was just like you until the very day that I walked across the stage and let me tell ya, that felt so good. :)
I even feel like you now because I'm half-way through to my goal of obtaining my Bachelor's degree and yet it's gonna take me another year to finish up and I wish I could be done like this semester. Keep your eyes on the prize and enjoy it while it's here. Take some time to explore other options in case you discover that this really isn't for you. You mentioned something about accelerated courses, have you checked out the University of Phoenix? They may have some courses that you can take among other schools. I wish nothing but the best for you and hope that you find what will work to help you to complete your goals.
Sidenote: Last semester, I had to make one of the most difficult decisions of my life and that was to quit my job of two years and concentrate on nothing but my education. Sometimes you have to decide what is best for the long term against what is practical for the moment. I'm not necessarily saying that you have to quit your full-time job for the sake of school, but I'm just giving you something to think about in terms of what is most important to you. Be blessed and I'll be praying for you so sit tight, everything'll work out for you! :)
It's worth noting that UIS requires graduates to have at least 30 UIS hours so there is room to consider courses from other schools. You want to work with your faculty advisor before you take a class but if the course will work and transfer back to UIS, it's allowable.
Hi Anne, I am on the very long road too. Yes it's a drag, and I am older than you, my kids are in college...ughhh. But....I think it really dosen't matter. I mean forget about the timeline and think about what inspires you. The kind of work or grad school you can do later with the BA. I have had the same thoughts you have but then I remind myself that if I stop and just go work at Borders I will hate my life. So I need a goal, I think everyone does. To do anything long term you need motivation, inspiration and determination from deep inside. It also takes money. Something I have basically run out of lately.
You're right, of course. I know the timeline shouldn't matter, I mean I'm going to be older in 3 years anyway, I might as well be older with a degree I suppose.
If I could go full time I would in a heartbeat, but I have a really good job now which I like, (not to mention I need the money) so full time school is not in the future for me. Unless I win the lottery, then not only will I get my BA degree, I will also get a Masters just because I could! Right, and monkeys might fly out of my....
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