Thursday, September 18, 2008

Nothing new to report..

Well, this has been quite possibly one of the most boring weeks on record. Nothing really has happened and I think I can expect nothing to continue to happen. I did apply for a different position at work, which would mean a promotion, so that would be nice. Of course about 10 other people have also applied for it, so who knows!

I'm having trouble keeping all my kids in one place and it's destroying my nerves! Two in high school and apparently the most popular 8 year old in the neighborhood means I am never sure who's going to be where and at what time! Today I got home from work and one kid ran out one direction and the other went in another direction and I'm not sure where the third ended up and the next thing I know I'm eating egg salad sandwiches all by myself! It doesn't help that my husband works nights, so as I was pulling into the garage he was pulling out. That's about as close as we ever get, usually we just wave at each other as we pass each other going opposite ways down the street. I'm so bummed out that I've decided not to even go to the company picnic at work tomorrow and have volunteered to stay at the office and man (woman?) the phones. I just do not feel like mingling and pretending to have fun when all I really want to do is sit at my computer and work 'till I can't see.

To top it all off, I should be thinking about the papers I need to be writing for my class and I can't seem to come up with any ideas. And everyone else in my class seems to be smarter than I am and able to analyze the readings better than I can. And I can't find the films I need to watch and then discuss. And my fat clothes are too tight. And there was a a bug that looked like a leaf hanging from my front step this evening and it was creepy.

Ok, there, I have unloaded. In theory I should now feel better and be able to go on my merry way being, well, merry. I don't feel merry. I feel stressed. I'd say I need a drink, but I don't drink. I think I'll go play Wii Mario-Kart instead.


Andy Egizi, Program Coordinator said...

Sounds like you need a vacation. (I'm saying this because I'm having a total different yet remarkable similar week and I'm think I need a vacation.

Beth's Blog said...

Anne, I often don't know where my children are except they keep reappearing when they need money, medical care or my car. I don't drink either, but I would recommend an Octoberfest beer or maybe a movie. You should go see that movie "Burn after reading"...some really good acting. John Malkovich was great.

ajenno said...

Andy, you're right. I do need a vacation. I haven't had one in quite a while. We're saving to go to Disney World next year though.

Beth, thanks! It's good to know I'm not alone. Tonight my boys are taking my car to go to the football game at the school and watch their team get slaughterd again. Last week, it was 56-6. Not good. I would like to catch a movie, but since I am car-less and baby-sitter-less with both boys gone, I think I'll stick with Mario-Kart. I'm kind of addicted. After I'm done I usually can't move my hands for about 2 hours.