Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What I learned today...

Today, I learned how to download and apply a blog skin. Now my blog is pretty! I had blog envy for jsgirl's attractive layout. Now, I too have style!

Countdown to class - da dum!! I cannot wait to start, and I am really happy this blog gives me something to work on in the evenings. I've been skimming my new textbooks and I really think this class will be interesting. I hope so anyway.

My 14 year old is sick, he has a really bad cold, poor thing. I hope he gets better soon, school starts for him a week from today, so he needs to get better asap! Isn't that always the way, the last week of summer vacation and you get a head cold. I took it a step further once, I missed the first 2 weeks of junior high because I had chicken pox. Ah well, I'm sure he'll be fine!

I am going to go now, I want to tweak my blog. Hmm, that sounds hinky. You know what I mean!


Anonymous said...

Heyyy there! I absolutely luv your blog page! It's pretty spunky!!! When I first began using MySpace, I noticed how many layout websites there were and decided to try to locate some that would work for Blogger. That's how I stumbled upon the sweet lil' flower on my page. I think your page looks fantastic. Good job! It always helps to bring out the uniqueness of us as individuals, right, lol?!?! That's partly the fun of it. :)

Andy Egizi, Program Coordinator said...

Looks great.